100% Pass for Cambridge Advanced Exam Candidates
After three and a half years of struggling, sweating and studying, we finally received our Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) certificates in the end.
Luckily, all participants finished their CAE successfully, although, unfortunately, four students were unable to sit the exams due to Covid-19. These students will now take their CAE-exams in April.
Our journey started in the first year at Dalton, when we started to study bilingual education and followed most of our classes in English. Therefore we have had enough time to prepare ourselves for this prestigious exam. Reading books and doing a lot of writing was the key to mastering English,as well as experiencing exchanges in Ireland for
example, which helped us to discover foreign cultures. All this work paid off in the final CAE exam which consists of 5 parts: reading, use of English, listening, speaking and writing.
Our English teacher, Ms Mc Millan, assisted us under all circumstances and we as a class are amazingly thankful for her effort. Over all, we are grateful for this adventure and very proud that we all accomplished our goal!
Written by: Mila and Jesper 4E