A long time ago in a galaxy far away… yes, even further than Zoetermeer, it is a period of civil war. The galaxy has been a peaceful federation for a millenium, ruled by the Galactic Senate in the planet Croissant, but … there is trouble afoot.That’s how the Anglo-American Theatre Group in the Hague’s pantomime started in the Theater aan het Spui. The plot was an amusing satire of Star Wars. The mysterious evil Sniff Lord Sneakinus had declared himself Emperor of the Galaxy, and was trying to take over the galaxy, together with his 2nd in command Darf Moeder. It turns out that this is a difficult task. Led by Princess Lila, Mrs Behindyou, Luc Behindyou, Hank Single, Boochakka and her allies, the Jellye Knights, they fight against the powers of evil in the Galaxy, and win.
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